Cloudera Enterprise 6.3.x | Other versions

RegionServer Metrics

Metric Name Description Unit CDH Version
alerts_rate The number of alerts. events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
append_75th_percentile Append Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_95th_percentile Append Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_99th_percentile Append Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_max Append Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_mean Append Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_median Append Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_min Append Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
append_rate Append Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_agent_bytes_left_rate Number of bytes of audit events still to be sent to the Audit Server. bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_agent_bytes_sent_rate Number of bytes of audit events successfully sent by Cloudera Manager Agent to the Audit Server. bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_agent_events_sent_rate Number of audit events successfully sent by Cloudera Manager Agent to the Audit Server. events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_agent_send_failures_rate Number of time Cloudera Manager Agent encountered failure when sending audit event(s) to the Audit Server. errors per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_plugin_coalesced_rate Number of audit events coalesced events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_plugin_events_rate Number of audit events persisted to local filesystem events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_plugin_exceptions_rate Number of exception encountered when processing audit events errors per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_plugin_filtered_rate Number of audit events that were filtered based on user specified criteria events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
audit_plugin_parse_errors_rate Number of audit events that cannot be parsed errors per second CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_blocks_cached Block Cache Blocks Cached blocks CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_evicted_rate Block Cache Evicted Count blocks per second CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_express_hit_ratio The percent of the time that requests with the block cache turned on hit the block cache. percent CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_free_size Block Cache Space Free bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_hit_rate Block Cache Hit Count hits per second CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_hit_ratio Block Cache Hit Ratio percent CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_miss_rate Block Cache Miss Count misses per second CDH 5, CDH 6
block_cache_size Block Cache Size bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_cpu_system_rate CPU usage of the role's cgroup seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_cpu_user_rate User Space CPU usage of the role's cgroup seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_mem_page_cache Page cache usage of the role's cgroup bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_mem_rss Resident memory of the role's cgroup bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_mem_swap Swap usage of the role's cgroup bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_read_bytes_rate Bytes read from all disks by the role's cgroup bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_read_ios_rate Number of read I/O operations from all disks by the role's cgroup ios per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_write_bytes_rate Bytes written to all disks by the role's cgroup bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cgroup_write_ios_rate Number of write I/O operations to all disks by the role's cgroup ios per second CDH 5, CDH 6
check_mutate_failed_rate Number of Check and Mutate operations that failed the checks. operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
check_mutate_passed_rate Number of Check and Mutate operations that passed the checks. operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
compaction_queue_size Size of the compaction queue items CDH 5, CDH 6
cpu_system_rate Total System CPU seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
cpu_user_rate Total CPU user time seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_75th_percentile Delete Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_95th_percentile Delete Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_99th_percentile Delete Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_max Delete Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_mean Delete Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_median Delete Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_min Delete Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
delete_rate Delete Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
events_critical_rate The number of critical events. events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
events_important_rate The number of important events. events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
events_informational_rate The number of informational events. events per second CDH 5, CDH 6
fd_max Maximum number of file descriptors file descriptors CDH 5, CDH 6
fd_open Open file descriptors. file descriptors CDH 5, CDH 6
flush_queue_size Size of the flush queue items CDH 5, CDH 6
gc_count_concurrent_mark_sweep_rate The number of garbage collections by the Concurrent Mark Sweep Collector. garbage collections per second CDH 5, CDH 6
gc_count_par_new_rate The number of garbage collections by the Parallel Collector. garbage collections per second CDH 5, CDH 6
gc_time_ms_concurrent_mark_sweep_rate The total time spent in garbage collections by the Concurrent Mark Sweep Collector. ms per second CDH 5, CDH 6
gc_time_ms_par_new_rate The total time spent in garbage collections by the Parallel Collector. ms per second CDH 5, CDH 6
get_75th_percentile Get Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_95th_percentile Get Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_99th_percentile Get Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_hadoop_groups_avg_time Average Time to get Hadoop group for the user ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_hadoop_groups_rate Get Hadoop User Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
get_max Get Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_mean Get Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_median Get Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_min Get Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
get_rate Get Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
health_bad_rate Percentage of Time with Bad Health seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
health_concerning_rate Percentage of Time with Concerning Health seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
health_disabled_rate Percentage of Time with Disabled Health seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
health_good_rate Percentage of Time with Good Health seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
health_unknown_rate Percentage of Time with Unknown Health seconds per second CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_75th_percentile Increment Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_95th_percentile Increment Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_99th_percentile Increment Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_max Increment Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_mean Increment Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_median Increment Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_min Increment Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
increment_rate Increment Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_authentication_failures_rate IPC Authentication Failures operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_authentication_successes_rate IPC Authentication Successes operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_authorization_failures_rate IPC Authorization Failures operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_authorization_successes_rate IPC Authorization Successes operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_rate IPCs Processed operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_75th_percentile IPC Processing Time 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_95th_percentile IPC Processing Time 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_99th_percentile IPC Processing Time 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_max IPC Processing Time Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_mean IPC Processing Time Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_median IPC Processing Time Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_process_time_min IPC Processing Time Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_rate IPCs Queued operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_75th_percentile IPC Queue Time 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_95th_percentile IPC Queue Time 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_99th_percentile IPC Queue Time 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_max IPC Queue Time Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_mean IPC Queue Time Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_median IPC Queue Time Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_queue_time_min IPC Queue Time Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_received_bytes_rate IPC Received Bytes bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
ipc_sent_bytes_rate IPC Sent Bytes bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_blocked_threads Blocked threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_gc_rate Number of garbage collections garbage collections per second CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_gc_time_ms_rate Total time spent garbage collecting. ms per second CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_heap_committed_mb Total amount of committed heap memory. MB CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_heap_used_mb Total amount of used heap memory. MB CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_max_memory_mb Maximum allowed memory. MB CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_new_threads New threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_non_heap_committed_mb Total amount of committed non-heap memory. MB CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_non_heap_used_mb Total amount of used non-heap memory. MB CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_runnable_threads Runnable threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_terminated_threads Terminated threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_timed_waiting_threads Timed waiting threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_total_threads Total threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
jvm_waiting_threads Waiting threads threads CDH 5, CDH 6
log_error_rate Logged Errors messages per second CDH 5, CDH 6
log_fatal_rate Logged Fatals messages per second CDH 5, CDH 6
log_info_rate Logged Infos messages per second CDH 5, CDH 6
log_warn_rate Logged Warnings messages per second CDH 5, CDH 6
login_failure_avg_time Average Failed Login Time ms CDH 5, CDH 6
login_failure_rate Login Failures operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
login_success_avg_time Average Successful Login Time ms CDH 5, CDH 6
login_success_rate Login Successes operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
mem_rss Resident memory used bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
mem_swap Amount of swap memory used by this role's process. bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
mem_virtual Virtual memory used bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
memstore_size Size of the memstore bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_dropped_pub_all Dropped Metrics Updates By All Sinks updates CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_num_active_sinks Active Metrics Sinks Count sinks CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_num_active_sources Active Metrics Sources Count sources CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_num_all_sinks All Metrics Sinks Count sinks CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_num_all_sources All Metrics Sources Count sources CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_publish_avg_time Metrics Publish Average Time ms CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_publish_rate Metrics Publish Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_snapshot_avg_time Metrics Snapshot Average Time ms CDH 5, CDH 6
metrics_snapshot_rate Metrics Snapshot Average Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_75th_percentile Mutate Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_95th_percentile Mutate Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_99th_percentile Mutate Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_max Mutate Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_mean Mutate Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_median Mutate Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_min Mutate Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
mutate_rate Mutate Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
mutations_without_wal_rate Number of mutations that have been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off. operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
mutations_without_wal_size_rate Size of data that has been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off. bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
num_puts_without_wal Puts without WAL operations CDH 5, CDH 6
oom_exits_rate The number of times the role's backing process was killed due to an OutOfMemory error. This counter is only incremented if the Cloudera Manager "Kill When Out of Memory" option is enabled. exits per second CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_with_gc_99_9th_percentile Pause time with garbage collection- 99.9th Percentile ms CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_with_gc_mean Pause time with garbage collection- Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_with_gc_rate Pause time with garbage collection- Number of operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_without_gc_99_9th_percentile Pause time without garbage collection- 99.9th Percentile ms CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_without_gc_mean Pause time without garbage collection- Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
pause_time_without_gc_rate Pause time without garbage collection- Number of operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
percent_hfiles_local The percent of HFiles that are stored on the local HDFS DataNode. percent CDH 5, CDH 6
read_bytes_rate The number of bytes read from the device bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
read_requests_rate Total number of read requests. requests per second CDH 5, CDH 6
regions Regions regions CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_75th_percentile Replay Latency 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_95th_percentile Replay Latency 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_99th_percentile Replay Latency 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_max Replay Latency Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_mean Replay Latency Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_median Replay Latency Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_min Replay Latency Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
replay_rate Replay Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
requests_rate Total requests made to this region server. requests per second CDH 5, CDH 6
slow_append_rate Slow Append Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
slow_delete_rate Slow Delete Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
slow_get_rate Slow Get Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
slow_increment_rate Slow Increment Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
slow_put_rate Slow Put Operations operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
static_bloom_size Uncompressed size of the static bloom filters bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
static_index_size Uncompressed size of the static indexes bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
storefile_index_size Size of indexes in store files on disk. bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
storefiles Number of store files files CDH 5, CDH 6
storefiles_size For an HRegion, the total logical size of the store files that make up that HRegion. For a RegionServer, the total logical size of all the store files of all the HRegions on the RegionServer. This is a logical size because it does not take the replication factor into account. This size does not include space used for metadata such as .tmp, .regioninfo, or .tableinfo. bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
stores Number of stores stores CDH 5, CDH 6
unexpected_exits_rate The number of times the role's backing process exited unexpectedly. exits per second CDH 5, CDH 6
updates_blocked_time_rate Amount of time that updates have been blocked so that the memstore can be flushed. ms per second CDH 5, CDH 6
uptime For a host, the amount of time since the host was booted. For a role, the uptime of the backing process. seconds CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_rate WAL Appends operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_75th_percentile WAL Append Size 75% bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_95th_percentile WAL Append Size 95% bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_99th_percentile WAL Append Size 99% bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_max WAL Append Size Max bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_mean WAL Append Size Mean bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_median WAL Append Size Median bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_size_min WAL Append Size Min bytes CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_75th_percentile WAL Append Time 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_95th_percentile WAL Append Time 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_99th_percentile WAL Append Time 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_max WAL Append Time Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_mean WAL Append Time Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_median WAL Append Time Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_append_time_min WAL Append Time Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_rate WAL Syncs operations per second CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_75th_percentile WAL Sync Time 75% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_95th_percentile WAL Sync Time 95% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_99th_percentile WAL Sync Time 99% ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_max WAL Sync Time Max ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_mean WAL Sync Time Mean ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_median WAL Sync Time Median ms CDH 5, CDH 6
wal_sync_time_min WAL Sync Time Min ms CDH 5, CDH 6
web_metrics_collection_duration Web Server Responsiveness ms CDH 5, CDH 6
write_bytes_rate The number of bytes written to the device bytes per second CDH 5, CDH 6
write_requests_rate Total number of write requests. requests per second CDH 5, CDH 6
Page generated August 29, 2019.